- TI83plus games and programs

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Butram System Engineering

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Geoform - The algebraII and geometry program. Made by garlnx himself!
Ion - A game platform needed by most games. You can also use mirageOS.
Pong 2.5 - The classic game of pong with improvements made by garlnx! (best if used with silver edition)
AP algebra II - with Coach Ortiz! One of the best algebra programs out there.
Avalanch! - Try to dodge HUGE falling razor sharp pieces of ice!!!
Dodge Ball - The classic game of dodge ball right on your calculator!
Duck Hunt - For the hunter in YOU.
Notes 2 - Take 2 lines of notes. Like name and phone number!
Notes 3 - Take 3 lines of notes. Like what you have for homework!
Roman Numerals - Convert any number between 1 and 3999 into Roman numerals.